In Florida, we jokingly say there are two seasons: hot and less hot. However, The Farmer’s Almanac recently released its winter 2023-24 forecast with the words, “The BRRR is Back!” It predicts a return to traditional cooler temperatures with a few frosts for the...

Here Comes the Rain

Here Comes the Rain

We previously discussed microclimates and their impact on landscapes. One of the most common trouble areas for homeowners is between homes. Over time, drainage changes cause water to collect from rainfall, irrigation and our air conditioning units. Because sunlight is...

Pollinators buzzing into June

Pollinators buzzing into June

Pollinators (honeybees, butterflies, bumblebees and many others) are essential to life on our planet. The Bee Conservancy states, “Of the 1,400 crop plants grown around the world…almost 80% require pollination by animals.” If we lost 80% of our food supply, you can...

What is integrated pest management

What is integrated pest management

When I started in Pest Management in 2005 with a different company, we were applying a slurry of insecticide, fungicide and fertilizer to all ornamental shrubs on a bi-monthly basis. This was NOT IPM, as there was no “target pest.” Rather, we were “spraying and...

The Drip: Let’s Get Drippin’

The Drip: Let’s Get Drippin’

All living organisms need water to survive. This is especially true when it comes to plant material. When drought hits hard, all mulch beds that are properly maintained with an irrigation system will continue to thrive in lieu of minimal rainfall. It’s important to...
